observations in another light

explore the fascinating intersections of the electromagnetic spectrum through photography. We unlock new perspectives that enhance photography's capabilities by leveraging visual, near-infrared, and near-UV spectrums. These innovative approaches allow us to monitor the health of our planet but also inspire us to adapt and respond effectively to environmental changes. As technology evolves, novel substrates will revolutionize how we perceive and communicate, fostering a more profound sense of curiosity and understanding.

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  • The Visual Light spectrum is what we see and observe.

    IR photography reveals the unseen, capturing images that highlight the health of vegetation and expose subtle changes in ecosystems.

    UV photography uncovers hidden details, exposing textures and materials that remain invisible to the naked eye.

  • Full-spectrum photography offers a comprehensive worldview, blending artistic expression with scientific insight with selective or combined bandpass filtering.

  • Body: Cambo WRC-400

    Lens: Rodenstock RS 70mm T/S HR f/5.6 Digaron-W

    Capture: PhaseOne IQ140 (Converted for full-spectrum)

    Bandpass Filtering:

    • MidOpt tripple bandpass 550nm

    • MidOpt single bandpass 920nm

    • Hoya Absorption filter 80a

    • Kolari UV block

    Edit: CaptureOne

  • Editions of 25

    • Printed by Kevin andrew landes

    • Canon Pro-1000

    • Hahnemuhle Bamboo Fine Art Paper

    • Deluxe Artwork Shippers included in price

    • 8.5”x11” or 11”x8.5” ……………..$225.00 + Shipping

    • 11”×17” or 17”x11” ……………… $275.00 + Shipping

    Editions of 5

    • Printed by Bowhaus inc.

    • Hahnemuhle Bamboo Fine Art Paper

    • Deluxe Artwork Shippers included in price

    • 20”x30” or 30”x20” ……………….$1025.00 + Shipping

    • 35” x 46.75" or 46.75”x35”……….$1275.00 + Shipping

    • 40”x50” or 50” x40” ..……………. $1,550.00 + Shipping

    For print availability and custom print sizes, email kevin@kevinlandes.com